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I’d tell you about him but I can’t speak or read French.


Claire Brindley - Writer

What you see is not what you get. Claire's work is scientific in it's precision, detail, and observation. It teaches you to slow down, spend time in the world you live in and dissect it.


Sarah Aziz -

An architectural designer and educator from Halifax, UK. Sarah holds a BArch from Liverpool John Moores University and a MArch from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. She has practiced in offices in Leeds, Sydney, and Tokyo, and currently teaches at SAIC.


James Nolan Gandy -

Makes functional artwork out of wood and metal. Gandy grew up in Northeast Florida and spends most of his time in the workshop or in the woods, and loves to play guitar. He creates machine parts and mechanical movements for a variety of drawing machines.

Jeremmiah Read -

Check him out.